My Story

My name is Kiliki Wiggins.  

I have lived numerous places on the mainland and traveled even more worldwide. Each new adventure influences my pieces. From the beaches of Hawai’i to the breathtaking historic architecture in Italy to the vineyards in Australia. You may notice visions of my travels through my works of art.  

Art has always been a piece of my life growing up on both sides of my family. My dad was born and raised on Oahu (Hawai’i) and my mom was born and raised in upstate New York. Growing up I remember my dad teaching me of the island history, the meaning of Polynesian designs and making beautiful leis with my mom and grandma Nani on the island. The summers in quiet upstate New York were spent creating artwork, help build new inventions with my Uncles or go explore the miles and miles of gorgeous forests and lakes.

My influences were my parents, my brother, both grandmas (Gigi and Nani) and my inventor artist N.Y. Uncles, Kim and Dale. Little did they know, over the next several years, their analytical thinking on how to make something better, mixed with their different art styles and techniques, seeped into my lifeline to produce ‘working art’ or art with a function. My entire family has supported me throughout my phases of mediums such as paints, watercolors, charcoal, lei making, mosaics, glass, tile, penny art, woodworking and now epoxy resin.

After creating two penny floor designs with an epoxy finish, it was here that I realized that I wanted to pursue my love of creating functional art. People started sending me projects they believed I would like to try. One video in particular was an amazing river epoxy table. Now, this was not 2 or 3 people, it was more like 25 people who all sent the same video from all over the country. So, hey why not!?! Let’s try something new. I get to play with power tools! Yay! One table turned into two, then the river turned into beach inspired with waves and turtles, then turned into waterfalls over mossy rock lagoons. It was my husband, Mike, and brother, Dan, who encouraged me to start my business. Thus, the business took off, and KiWiKi Designs was established April 2019.

Today, I primarily work with natural wood and epoxy resin keeping with nature inspired décor or hand drawn Polynesian designs. My home garage has turned into my wood shop. My dining room has turned into my designing store, while my basement seems to be a mini store in between art exhibits and vendor events.

I believe being an artist is something that one uses as an outlet of overflowing emotion, like aloha lava. I studied through practical learning, many trial and error incidents, and much of my wood making education, the how-to’s and what to watch out for, were from local wood mill business owners who were kind and patient to educate a new maker. Therefore, when others ask me for help, in the spirit of paying it forward, I embrace sharing my learnings. I welcome new students willing to learn epoxy art or assist with their own epoxy projects. Aloha art with Ohanas!
